A Wayshower serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path for others who seek personal growth, healing, and spiritual awakening.

Wayshower Coaching Shine In Your Life, Health & Business

I offer powerful tools, tailored to meet your individual goals and needs designed to educate, empower & enrich your well being.

Start Living a Happier and More Fulfilled Life Today

Manuela Sol * Wayshower

My Mission Is To Empower Women To Live Happier, More Fulfilling Lives

Energy Medicine Intuitive Healer
As an intuitive healer I will scan your energetic field to find which beliefs, emotions, traumas & entities are blocking you from healing. I will then empower you with the tools to gently release stuck energy & teach you the fundamentals of energetic & spiritual hygiene so you can reclaim your field.
Herbalist, Nutritionist Aromatherapist,
As an herbalist, alchemist, and massage therapist. I will customize a program specific to your needs and goals that will nourish and nurture your health from the inside out. Whether you are dealing with an acute or chronic condition. I will weave together an energetically resonant program for to promote health.
Addictions Counselor Life Coach
As an addictions counselor and life coach. I will help you get to the underlying trauma, keeping you stuck in your addiction. While empowering you to change problematic behaviors by understanding the unconscious meanings and motivations behind them. Empowering you to transform from victim to lioness.
Business Niche Life Purpose
As a Business Niche Coach & Intuitive. I will look at your numerology, astrology & will visit with your inner child. To help you get clarity on your life purpose & discover your business niche. I will guide you in creating a business doing what you love and or tweak & infuse new energy into your present business model.

Healing Modalities That Will Empower You To Shine

Wayshower Coaching

Learn How To Rejuvenate Your Health, Reclaim Your Life, Discover Your Purpose & Create A Business You Love.

Whether you need support in one area or all three, this comprehensive & customized program is for you.

Your health is the foundation for everything you do. You cannot enjoy quality of life or align with your life's purpose or create a business when you do not have your health.

Do you suffer from anxiety, fatigue, insomnia or an autoimmune disease? Do you feel that you protocol needs some tweaking? Ready for some new ideas & insight into the cause of your challenge?

As a highly sensitive and empathic woman who healed herself from cancer, lyme, mold illness, dental issues and trauma.

I have a gift for getting to the bottom of health challenges.

My health coaching will help you learn tools and methods to regain and rejuvenate your health - on all levels. I have a gift for getting to the bottom of health challenges!


Do you feel overwhelmed by daily life tasks, relationships & ongoing conflict within yourself or with those around you? Are these unresolved issues causing you anxiety, depression, insomnia & health problems? Do you need guidance and support making minor and major life decisions?

If so we will Identify the types of childhood or present abuse cycles and overall challenges, in the way of your living your life. From narcissistic abuse to verbal, mental, emotional covert and overt abuse from family, friends and or your partner.

We will then focus on how to recognize when you are taking on others peoples thoughts and feelings. Learn how to clear, ground & center. Thereby regulating your nervous system, along with cleansing your energy field.

I will help you identify your soul essence, who you came here to be and how you are meant to serve.

My life coaching is gentle, with a dash of humor, play and lots of empowerment!


Are you longing to start your own business yet feel overwhelmed by all the learning curves and do not know where to start? Or do you already have a business in need of an upgrade and refresh?

Now that you know your life purpose and are excited to create a business sharing your gifts with the world.

I am here to guide and facilitate the creation of a website showcasing your gifts & services or infuse new energy and upgrade your present site.

As an empath whose owned two herbs stores, two health and wellness centers, designed three websites and paid several website designers.

My business coaching is designed to help you shine & thrive doing what you came into this world to do.

This comprehensive program is an intensive, you need to be ready to dig in and do the work required to meet your goals, which we will discuss during your Discovery Session. If you decide you would like to move forward, it will be my joy to hold space for you to reach your goals!

Schedule your complimentary Wayshower Coaching Session to see if we are a good fit and for pricing based on your ability to invest: support@wayshowercoach.com

On a personal note - I offer all 3 as a result of my own life journey. In short, I was sick with lyme, mold, cfs, fm and migraines most of my life and recovered. Maintaining my physical health led to inner child, shadow work, unraveling familial and ancestral trauma, narcissistic abuse so I could reclaim my self esteem and confidence. During this process I came to terms with my psychic gifts, hence the need for spiritual hygiene. I then began to monetizing my gifts, created my own health and wellness center, herb store and website.

Wayshower Single Session Available Upon Request

You are such a blessing to the chronic illness/highly sensitive community.I have paid many people to do so many services, and you offer it all with your vast experience and understanding.Your guidance is so rare for those of us in the Lyme/CFS community. THANK YOU.♥”

- Sean Psychotherapist

Happy Clients

“I am so grateful for the growth and progress that has come from working with you. Until I met you. I felt like I was walking in circles trying to figure out how to move forward in life.

Your insight, encouragement and guidance helped me to make changes in my life that I have wanted for a long time.

I have reconnected with a level of courage I did not know I had. Words are inadequate to express how critical and fundamental our work together has been for my personal growth.

Thank you.” - Donna

"I am always SO amazed by Manuela's strength, wisdom, and ability to transmute any darkness I’m going through while simultaneously guiding me into a beautiful space of healing love and light.

- Jordan Tarot Reader

“Manuela appeared in my life at the perfect moment and saw to the core of my issue within the first 10 minutes of us speaking.

It of course it took me much longer to accept and address the issue, and she was perfectly respectful and supportive through the entire process.

My life has since transformed completely into something better than I had dared to imagine!”


Schedule your complimentary Wayshower Session to discover if we might be a good fit.

My passion is to empower YOU to SHINE in your Health, Life & Business

Are you feeling lost or confused?

Ready to find your life purpose?

Do you struggle with chronic health issues?