Celestial Blend

Magnesium & Mineral Creme

“I have been rubbing your Mineral & Magnesium creme on my abdomen and over my uterus for my menstrual cramps. After years of severe pain, it is now gone. I am so relieved and grateful. " - Amy

"Been using your creme on my neck, shoulders and feet before I go to bed and sleep like a baby. Thank you." - Lily

My bruising and pain cleared up almost immediately after using your Celestial Blend. Am truly amazed at how quickly it worked. - Kana

"As a massage therapist I have been using Manuela's celestial blend for a couple years now. I have seen amazing results using it during abdominal massage. I also use it on myself at night because I have a sensitive digestive system. It works every time.

I will never use plain castor oil ever again. It is great for inflammation and the smell is wonderful. Sometimes I open the bottle just to smell it. My clients ask me to use it on them.

There is a lot of love and care put in to making the celestial blend, just as there is in every one of her products." -Andrea M