Wayshower - A guiding light, illuminating the path for personal growth, healing & spiritual awakening

"A Wayshower serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path for others who seek personal growth, healing, and spiritual awakening.

A wayshower is one who embodies the qualities that he or she wishes others to absorb and learn, who manifests these qualities in full measure so that the light that they carry can transfer to the consciousness of all who behold them."

When you connect with a Wayshower, you tap into their deep reservoir of knowledge, compassion, and empathy.

A Wayshower is an individual who has traversed the challenging terrain of self-discovery and has emerged with profound wisdom and insight. They have experienced their own journey of transformation, overcoming obstacles, and transcending limitations.

A wayshower may exist within all walks of life, within all religious backgrounds and persuasions, and within all ethnic and cultural orientations, for the strength of soul qualities that make one a wayshower are not dependent upon religious identification, but rather on the soul-essence and mission of the soul in bringing that essence forward within a given lifetime.

Wayshowers are often found within challenging times and challenging circumstances, for Divine intention seeds them there with the idea of helping others move forward through these times of turbulence by showing and offering a pathway through.

A wayshower is one who has met challenges of the past and used them to strengthen the qualities of their soul that already are present and to bring these qualities of soul into outer expression.

A wayshower is often one who has experienced many difficult times in life in order that the soul qualities become more refined and strengthened, and in order that they then may infuse the outer life expression.

When you connect with a Wayshower, you tap into their deep reservoir of knowledge, compassion, and empathy.

Their role is to provide guidance, support, and a safe space for exploration.

Through Consciousness Intervention, a Wayshower helps you uncover your inner power, heal emotional wounds, release limiting beliefs, and embrace your true essence.

A Wayshower understands that each individual’s journey is unique and personal.

They help you navigate the complexities of self-discovery, gently nudging you towards your true potential.

With their guidance, you gain clarity, deepen your self-awareness, and access the hidden gifts and talents that reside within you.

The transformative journey under the guidance of a Wayshower empowers you to step into a life aligned with your highest purpose and fulfillment."

You are not healing to be able to handle trauma, you are healing to be to handle joy.

Every time I talk with you I get that flavor of self empowerment that lasts for a few months afterwards. - Lisa D

“Thank you so much for this program, I truly appreciate your guidance in this way,. Our first session was very grounding for me, your in depth knowledge of health and intuitive insights to supporting my body in multifaceted ways along with gentle, non-judgemental encouragement has been a gift to my being.

Even though I have vast knowledge of nutrition and ways to support myself with it, there were many things you suggested that I had not thought of. I am very excited and grateful for this offering of yours and feel honored to have you as a guide and mentor in my process of life.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Amy”

Happy clients

"Oh my you speak so clearly, so intuitively, so aware, so awesome it feels as though spirit is speaking to me through you, in such a big way, Im blown away. I knew there was something about you, I know you are real which helps me be real, so I can heal and I need that, love to you, much love to you" . - Roger B

"You are an AMAZING light in the world! I feel it and you! Thank you for all YOU are doing to help heal the planet. We need more light workers!" - Kimberly G